Live Theatre Returns to San Diego at Moonlight Stage

The last SanDiegoStory review of a live theatre opening was published on March 12, 2020. The production was the San Diego Repertory Theatre’s House of Joy. Today, we publish the first review of a live theatre production since that time. The production is Moonlight Stage’s Once on This Island.

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Trolley Dances 2021: Hits, Misses

Each of us has a personal geography of emerging from the pandemic, landmarks that tell us we’re coming home. One of my milestones was the Dance is in the Air festival at Liberty Station, which began May 21 and continues through Sunday. Another biggie—the return of Trolley Dances! Granted, there were changes. The home to which we’re returning, post-COVID, isn’t the same one we left.

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Malashock, Griffin Choreograph Hope

Two “tribes”—one dressed in brown, the other in green—exchange wary glances. Using wooden cubes, they stake out their territory and line up, facing off.  Yet, a moment later, a man ventures out from the four-person greens, a woman from the browns. To music with a waltz tempo, they explore lyrical partnering.

How do we respond to someone we perceive as “other?” With curiosity or fear?

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Live Dance at Liberty Station!

I’m excited to go anywhere these days, but a live dance show! My first in more than a year! In fact, it’s a festival—four weekends of performances by the resident companies at Dance Place! Declarations of “I’m vaccinated” were followed by hugs! I may end every sentence with an exclamation point!

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