Saturday Celebrations at the Carlsbad Music Festival

Spending a day at the Carlsbad Music Festival, August 24-26, 2018, reminds the followers of new music that there is no right way to do or to define contemporary music. Like visiting that ice cream emporium chain that advertises 33 flavors, at Carlsbad you are likely to discover a flavor you haven’t yet tried.

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Pushing the Envelope: Enticing New Music at La Jolla SummerFest

Thursday, August 16, La Jolla SummerFest featured Marc-André Dalbavie’s stunning Quartet for Piano and Strings, a La Jolla Music Society commission premiered here in 2012, and paired it with Pierre Jalbert’s 2017 Piano Quintet, an equally impressive work which the La Jolla Music Society co-commissioned.

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