Surprising Musical Premieres Courtesy of Art of Élan

Art of Élan’s January 30 concert at Balboa Park’s San Diego Art Institute offered an entire program of new compositions: fresh, engaging, and thought-provoking works, including Lei Liang’s impressive “Petal by Petal, Leaf by Leaf” a trio for flute, viola, and harp.

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The Hausmann Quartet Unleashes Humor and Profundity in Haydn

Adjacent to the ticket table at the Hausmann Quartet’s Sunday (September 17) Haydn Voyages concert stood a chalkboard marking the string quartet’s progress: 17.6% of the composer’s 68 string quartets performed thus far. That our local string quartet—Hausmann is in residence at San Diego State University—is serious about traversing Haydn’s complete string quartet repertory and…

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