Opera NEO’s Generous All You Can Hear Opera Buffet in Encinitas

As a tantalizing preview to Opera NEO’s upcoming festival of three staged operas, Friday’s Cabaret concert at the Encinitas Library Concert Hall promises a season of highly charged drama and polished lead singers. This annual program offered a sparkling variety of ensembles and duets from opera, operetta, and musical theater performed by the members of the 2018 festival.

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Slowly Losing Your Identity

Anyone helping a person whose health is deteriorating knows how psychologically grueling an experience this can be. There is nothing gratifying about seeing a person whom you care about weaken in front of your eyes.

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Not Your Typical Drama Program

There have been many powerful and unforgettable shows written about war veterans and their adjustment to the outside world. Less common in San Diego are plays where veterans are cast in full-length dramas.

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Silly and Holy—Dance Artist Jesse Zaritt at youTurn

Tiny youTurn Arts, which puts on just one show a year, can hardly fill the gap left when Sushi went bust in 2011. Still, youTurn producers Erica Buechner and Anne Gehman have made terrifically savvy curatorial choices—like this year’s guest artist, Jesse Zaritt, whose solo, “send off,” felt wickedly ironic … and also holy.

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