Hausmann Quartet Explores the Galaxy with David Ludwig, Beethoven and Haydn

If you are puzzled to learn that the Hausmann Quartet’s November 11 Sunday program at the Maritime Museum of San Diego was planned around the outer space probes of Voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977, you probably lack the imagination of the four clever Hausmann musicians. But you will discover the relationship of the three composers mentioned in the headline when you read the review.

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Malashock Dance Offers Tasty Nibbles, I Still Want Dinner

John Malashock’s latest show, “Eye of the Beholder,” is a collection of 14 pieces, most of them duets. The whole thing runs for about an hour, which works out to about four minutes per dance—about the length of numbers on “So You Think You Can Dance.” The effect was like nibbling a lot of hors d’oeuvres at a cocktail party. It’s all tasty, but at the end, you’re still hungry for dinner.

“Eye of the Beholder” nonetheless offered some delectable bites: acrobatic partnering and well-drawn sketches exploring a range of emotions.

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Excitement at the San Diego Symphony: Conrad Tao’s Electrifying Account of the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto and a Premiere by Javier Álvarez

Friends who know me well will quickly attest that they have never heard me exclaim, “I am dying to hear another performance of Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto!” However, after hearing pianist Conrad Tao’s spectacular performance of this popular work with the San Diego Symphony, Friday, November 2, I have been completely converted.

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