‘The Ballad of Emmett Till’ Sings an Impassioned Song for Justice

The brutal murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till in rural Mississippi in August, 1955, is recalled by many as the decisive beginning of the last century’s Civil Rights movement. Ifa Bayeza’s stirring one act play “The Ballad of Emmett Till” recounts this event as a kind of passion play, taking us on a fervent journey with Till on his unintended via dolorosa . . .

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International Theatre in San Diego

The San Diego International Fringe Festival includes the word “International” for a good reason. Shows from Mexico, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand and Japan are all featured at the 2017 event.

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Fringe Flashes: Astraeus Aerial Dance, Hip Hop Cabhooray

Eloquently moving bodies and impeccable imagery—”Echoes of Gallows Hill” by Astraeus Aerial Dance is such a complete, satisfying work of art that I had to create a new category for it, “Five-Star Fringe.” And Hip Hop Cabhooray is so fast-moving and fun, you probably won’t think about how ridiculously difficult it is to move twenty—20!—dancers around a small stage in a way that feels natural and easy; but Melissa Adao nails it.

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