A Dance Cornucopia – Stages Overflow with Tasty Offerings

Feathery light Ana da Costa was most pleasing as the ordinary peasant girl Giselle who dies of a broken heart when she discovers that her lover is engaged to another woman. Tall and gallant, Trystan Merrick gave Ms. da Costa superb support as Albrecht, and he inserted theatrical details to expand his character from a two-timing cad to a remorseful young man consumed with guilt

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Lascivious Vampires and Artistic Choices

In spite of strong choreography and superb dancing, watching Zaquia Mahler Salinas’s “Hirudinea and Her Host” made me feel like I was in an artsy gentleman’s club. Find out why I think Salinas made problematic artistic choices … and join the conversation.

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So You Think You Can Choreograph

Each audience member gets a vote to help decide winners of the San Diego Young Choreographers Showcase and Prize, taking place this Saturday night (Feb. 15). Judges will look for innovation, contrasts, and execution. Now in its fourth year, the competition is so popular that…

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Elegant, Lazy-Sexy Slam Dancing Highlights ‘New Adventurers’ Mixed Bill

We are mesmerized by soft penche –bends at the waist – and juicy turns where muscled legs slip out of the hip joint. Next, they speak under their breath and flutter on the balls of their feet until their backsides wiggle like firm Jello. What a wonderfully strange and humorous moment. And the tension grows. Will they ever touch? How will this end? Wham – they strike with powerful blows and slam their bodies onto the floor, not like the wrestlers on TV, but for real. You can relive it via video here.

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