‘Big Fish’ Doesn’t Wilt at Moonlight

Sometimes, when you take a show out of the hothouse that is Broadway and make it available for less harried regional audiences, what wilted in the hothouse blooms when transplanted. And sometimes, the show stays wilted…

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‘Lady”s Fair But Needs Bite

My Fair Lady is part of what has become known as the Golden Age of Musicals, and revivals of it are invariably popular with audiences. Yet, productions of the musical get their bite when they acknowledges their roots in the feminist satire of George Bernard Shaw. After mounting highly successful versions of Spamalot and Mary Poppins this summer, Moonlight Stage Productions’ My Fair Lady looks toothless by comparison…

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‘Once’ Is Far from Enough

Ireland and the Czech Republic are two indispensable world nations, and that means they have a trove of cultural insights with which to color their indigenous characters. Then why does Broadway/San Diego’s Once, which centers on a budding love relationship between two natives, feel as lackluster as the rest of the show? Probably because there’s no script…

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