A Theatre Holiday, Part 2 – London

The best thing about London theatre is that there is so much of it. There is commercial theatre, clustered in the West End around Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus, there are several institutional theatre companies, most notably the National Theatre, which operates from expansive facilities on the south bank of the Thames, right at the Waterloo Bridge. And, there are theatre companies doing cutting edge work, often in venues that are off the beaten track…

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A Theatre Holiday: Part I – New York and Washington, DC

There’s been general consensus that the New York theatre season has been a middling one. Little of a groundbreaking nature opened on Broadway, though some interesting work appeared off-Broadway. Nevertheless, even a mediocre season on Broadway produces enough of interest to keep one busy over what amounted to a long weekend (shows Friday evening, three on Saturday, and two the following Wednesday)…

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