Welk’s Holiday Revue is Too Much of a Good Thing

Mae West has been credited with saying, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.” But she has also been credited with saying, “Too much of a good thing can be taxing.” In the case of Welkome Home for the Holidays, a revue playing through December 29, 2019, I’d side with Ms. West’s latter statement…

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The Danish String Quartet Excels with Its Three B’s: Bach, Beethoven, and Bartók

The Danish String Quartet invited Friday’s audience at The Conrad to join them on the third musical journey of their “Prism Project” at the La Jolla Music Society. Starting with the serene counterpoint of J.S. Bach, the quartet seamlessly moved to Beethoven’s bold thematic freedom and culminated with Bartók’s heady release from the predictable straitjacket of tonality.

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