
Tan Dun’s Ghost Opera Haunts San Diego Museum of Art

By Ken Herman | November 21, 2012 |
Jie Ma (photo courtesy of the performer)

Life and death. The really big topics. Once religion had the monopoly on this conversation, but in our essentially secular culture, the arts increasingly carry on the discussion. Art of Élan staged Tan Dun’s evocative, recondite “Ghost Opera” Tuesday (Nov. 20) at the San Diego Museum of Art’s Copley Auditorium, the second installment on the company’s avant garde series “in your dreams.” A theater piece that weaves aspects of ancient Chinese funeral rites with the warm sounds of the string quartet and the piquant edge of the pipa (a traditional Chinese lute), “Ghost Opera” creates an esoteric but mesmerizing 40-minute…

New Theatrical Voice Stuns at UCSD

By Bill Eadie | November 21, 2012 |

Tarell Alvin McCraney is clearly a theatrical heir of playwright August Wilson, and Mr. Wilson served as a mentor during his graduate playwriting education at Yale. Mr. McCraney’s work, like that of his mentor, is a product of big ideas and bold theatricality while at the same time honing to the cultural traditions of the African American community.

The Little Flower of East Orange Blooms in Hillcrest

By Ken Herman | November 18, 2012 |
Trina Kaplan & Jeffrey Jones (photo courtesy of ion theatre)

As a child I liked singing that old revival song “Blest Be the Ties that Bind,” but with adulthood came the realization that binding ties may bring about the opposite of blessing. Stephen Adly Guirgis’ 2008 play “The Little Flower of East Orange,” which San Diego’s adventurous ion theatre company opened Saturday (Nov. 17) in Hillcrest, is a cornucopia of tortured family relationships blighted by substance abuse, alcoholic co-dependency, life-long grudges, and chronic manipulation. But I cannot believe that Guirgis would have written this autobiographical play if he had not seen blessing underneath the scarred exteriors of this broken family.…

Her Life Is The Prize, Those Robots Are Cancer

By Welton Jones | November 18, 2012 |
The Battle

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is not some zappy Japanese anime game for the cell phone. Instead, it’s a very moving account of a young woman’s battle with cancer. Really. She just happens to be Asian. Named Yoshimi. And “pink robots” is the name her doctor gives to the rogue cells, which are suddenly devastating her body. The music and the title come from a 2002 album by the group Flaming Lips, which apparently was vaguely thinking anime. But the stage production now at the La Jolla Playhouse is something else, billed as “music and lyrics by the Flaming Lips”…

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