Jaw-Droppingly Good: “Victor Charlie” at San Diego International Fringe Festival

I’m betting that when “Victor Charlie” is a hit in a major theater, anyone who caught it at the Fringe is going to brag about seeing the world premiere in the Spreckels Theatre Raw space. By the way, the space is indeed raw, with paint peeling from the walls … and there may never be a more perfect venue for this show about a 1960s-era soldier than this former USO center.

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Kate Lounsbury (August 9, 1955-October 26, 2013)

Just added a wonderful reminiscence by Seattle dancer Deborah Birrane to the article about Kate Lounsbury, who died in Seattle last fall. This tribute to Kate, a dancer who was fierce and articulate, delicate but with tensile strength, includes beautiful photos and loving comments from friends in the San Diego and Seattle dance communities.

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In Memoriam: Ellen Siegel (July 5, 1934-February 12, 2014)

Ellen Siegel’s daughter, Anny, and friends in the San Diego dance world remember this stunning artist of dance and life who passed away in February. Ellen started her career as a soloist with the Martha Graham Company – you should see the photos … JUST ADDED: Pat Sandback’s wonderful memories of the Big Ladies Small Dance Company and of going with Ellen to spend a weekend at Paul Taylor’s.

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