Malandain Ballet Gets Lemons, Makes Lemon Mousse

When they realized that the ship with their costumes and sets was still somewhere in the Atlantic, they ran out to a mall in Dallas, their first U.S. stop, and bought what they needed to stage three less elaborate pieces. The French company didn’t disappoint … though gray buckets, used a makeshift props in one dance, suggested that after the show, they were going to do some spackling.

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Live Arts Fest Honors Dance Legacies and Makes Critic Sweat

When we had to do a movement phrase crossing the floor, I started to think that being onstage was a very bad idea. This year’s Live Arts Fest offered not just a look at dance legacies, but actual somatic experience. Plus a lesson that choreographers age incredibly well … Bella Lewitzky started her company at 50 and led it for 30 years; and Robert Cohan, whom the little festival that could brought from London, showed a fresh new work he’d created at 90.

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Colored Room, White Box, Vivid Dance

The thrill isn’t gone. Randé Dorn’s show at the White Box last weekend had as much movement invention and psychological complexity as the knockout pieces she showed last month. In work by Dorn, Blythe Barton, and Michael Mizerany, the world sure feels like a prickly, dangerous …

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We Sweat. We Dance!

Is it just San Diego, or do dance artists everywhere cook up provocative titles to get folks in the door, and then give them art? That’s what happened at “Sweat: Hot Dances for a Hot Night,” where Randé Dorn’s richly psychological work was the discovery of the evening … though there were certainly some sexy moments, provided by the guys.

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