The Creative Process of ‘Dances of Love Laughter & Loss’

“I wanted to get rid of the old pillow cases in my closet,” she said, “and the new dances are about the people who slept on them. They are autobiographical stories and mixed up by passing of time. I asked Meagan Marshall to write narratives based on those memories. They’re embellished and names are changed. So who knows what really happened?”

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A Dance Cornucopia – Stages Overflow with Tasty Offerings

Feathery light Ana da Costa was most pleasing as the ordinary peasant girl Giselle who dies of a broken heart when she discovers that her lover is engaged to another woman. Tall and gallant, Trystan Merrick gave Ms. da Costa superb support as Albrecht, and he inserted theatrical details to expand his character from a two-timing cad to a remorseful young man consumed with guilt

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