An Evening of Family Mishegas

Following a matinee performance of Bad Jews at the Cygnet Theatre, an audience member said something along the lines of “I could have seen that show for free in my own house.” That should be an indication of how close to home Joshua Harmon’s script is hitting for some theatregoers.

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Caring for Others in Abnormal Ways

Most science fiction narratives revolve around plots and events that have never occurred, or been imagined, prior to that point in time. Part of the fun of these tales is that storytellers come up with creative and fantastic scenarios.

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Baird, John Light the Sky in New Fortune’s Thin ‘Les Liaisons dangereuses’

The French Revolution, and the years before it, inundated the world with news of dire consequences in a particularly failed monarchy. Christopher Hampton’s ‘Les Liaisons dangereuses’ had every opportunity to exploit the revolution in the interest of character development — and somehow, Hampton abandoned its every notion in this nonetheless well-mounted drama.

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